
Guardian for cacao.


Maya spiritual leader.


Plural for Ajq’ij. Spiritual leaders.


Thank you in K’iche’ language. The practice of gratitude.


Maya people in K’iche’ language.

Uk’u’x Kaj

Heart of the sky.

Uk’u’x Ulew

Heart of the earth.


Ab’ calendar

Sacred calendar ruled by the energy of the sun that was used for agriculture.
It is made up of 18 months of 20 days + 5 days called Wayeb’. Also known as Haab’.


The human level calendar which measures all the energies that influence us. It is made up of 260 days or energies.


The name given to each of the sacred 20 energies of the Cholq’ij calendar; its literal meaning is star.


Plural for Ch’umil.


Each energy of the Cholq’ij calendar has an animal representation, and it is believed that using this energy in the past, people would be able to convert into those animals.


Five days at the end of the Ab’ year which serve for meditation and introspection to be ready for the new year.
This is the most common term but it is in Yucatec, the term in K’iche’ is Tzap’iq’ij (closing the door).


Jun Ajaw

One of the five Suns representing the evolution of humanity.
This first sun is symbolized by feminine energy and fire.

Keb’ Ajaw

One of the five Suns representing the evolution of humanity.
This second sun is symbolized by the element of earth and masculine energy.

Oxib’ Ajaw

One of the five Suns representing the evolution of humanity.
This third sun is symbolized by the element of air and the feminine energy.

Kajib’ Ajaw

One of the five Suns representing the evolution of humanity.
This fourth sun is symbolized by the element of water and masculine energy.

Job’ Ajaw

One of the five Suns representing the evolution of humanity.
This fifth sun is symbolized by the element of ether and the unification of the feminine and masculine.



The concept of space-time for the Maya, which for them they are not separate but are always together.


The ray of creation, it would be the equivalent of The Big Bang.

Ch'ipi Kaqulja

One of the manifestations of Kaqulja - creation energies.
The small ray of the human being that is represented in our neurons and their chemical and electric connections.

Rax Kaqulja

One of the manifestations of Kaqulja - creation energies.
The green ray represents Mother Nature and everything that is within her, such as the trees and the animals.

Nim Kaqulja

One of the manifestations of Kaqulja - creation energies.
The ray of the big house that represents the earth as a whole planet, counting its atmosphere and layers.

Jun Raqan Kaqulja

One of the manifestations of Kaqulja - creation energies.
The ray of the one-footed snake that represents the universe.


One of the creation energies mentioned in the Popol Wuj. It comes from Ali which means girl and om which means to conceive.
This means that Alom was the giver of daughters. In the Popol Wuj, the creation energies came together to create Earth and human beings.


One of the creation energies mentioned in the Popol Wuj. It comes from K’ajol which means boy and om which is conceive. This means that K’ajolom was the giver of sons.
In the Popol Wuj, the creation energies came together to create Earth and human beings.


One of the creation energies mentioned in the Popol Wuj. Tz’aq means builder and ol is something that gives it a mystic or sacred meaning.
Tz’aqol was the builder of matter. In the Popol Wuj, the creation energies came together to create Earth and human beings.


One of the creation energies mentioned in the Popol Wuj. Bit means creation and ol is something that gives it a mystic or sacred meaning.
It is said that Bitol was the former of breath. In the Popol Wuj, the creation energies came together to create Earth and human beings.

Tepew Q’ukumatz

One of the creation energies mentioned in the Popol Wuj. The feathered serpent or quetzal serpent.
In the Popol Wuj, the creation energies came together to create Earth and human beings.

Popol Wuj

Popol Wuj

The Popol Wuj is the sacred book of the Maya K’iche’ people.
It tells us the story of the origin of creation of the Maya peoples and it answers questions about the way we should live life and view existence.


A character in the Popol Wuj. She was referred to as “2 times midwife”, was an Ajq’ij that consulted the Tz’ite’ and corn to see with what material the human being should be made.
She also played a very important role in Jun Junajpu and Wuqub’ Junajpu’s life as their Mother and Junajpu and Xb’alamke’s life as their grandmother.’


A character in the Popol Wuj. Referred to as “2 times elder”, was an Ajq’ij that consulted the Tz’ite’ and corn to see with what material the human being should be made.

Jun B’atz’ and Jun Chowen

Characters in the Popol Wuj. They were the siblings of Junajpu and Xb’alamke from the Popol Wuj.
Jun means 1 and B’atz’ is one of the days of the Cholq’ij calendar, Chowen being its equivalent in Maya Yucatec.
They were great artists and represent everything that has to do with art. In the Popol Wuj, they treated their siblings very badly and as a result became monkeys.

Jun Junajpu

A character in the Popol Wuj. Father of Junajpu and Xb’alamke, was called to the trials of Xib’alb’a but did not succeed.

Wuqub’ Junajpu

A character in the Popol Wuj. Brother of Jun Junajpu, was called to the trials of Xib’alb’a but did not succeed.


A character in the Popol Wuj. Mother of Junajpu and Xb’alamke, she is the daughter of one of the lords of Xib’alb’a but ascended to the light.
She was very powerful and her name represents I’x which is the female energy and Kik which is blood, meaning she is blood woman representing menstruation.


A character in the Popol Wuj. One of the twin heroes who were able to defeat the trials of Xib’alb’a.


A character in the Popol Wuj. One of the twin heroes who were able to defeat the trials of Xib’alb’a.


Half-jaguar, half-man demigods that came from the Pleiades.
Also, in the Popol Wuj, they were the first human beings who were made of corn.

B’alam Kitze’

A character in the Popol Wuj. Guardians of the East. Represents the color red, the sunrise, and allows us to ask for our life to be filled with light.
Partner of Kaqa Palo Ja’. Considered part of the B’alameb’.

Kaqa Palo Ja

A character in the Popol Wuj. Kaqa Palo Ja’ means “red water of the sea” referring to how the water gets red during sunrise. Also a guardian of the East. Partner of B’alam Kitze’.

B’alam Aq’ab’

Guardian of the West. Represents the color black, the sunset, and everything that is hidden and rest.
Partner of Chomi Ja’. Considered part of the B’alameb’

Chomi Ja’

Guardian of the West and partner of B’alam Aq’ab. Chomi Ja’ means beautiful water.

Majuk’utaj B’alam

Guardian of the North. Represents the color white, and the wind. It is our mental powers and abilities.
Partner of Tz’ununi Ja’. Considered part of the B’alameb’.

Tz’ununi Ja’

Tz’ununi Ja’ means “hummingbird of water.” Also a Guardian of the North. Partner of Majuk’utaj B’alam.

Ik’i B’alam

Guardian of the South. Represents the color yellow and the element of water. Partner of Kak’ixa Ja’. Considered part of the B’alameb’.

Kak’ixa Ja’

Kak’ixa Ja’ means “macaw of water.” Also a guardian of the South. Partner of Ik’i B’alam.

Jun Kame and Wuqub’ Kame

Lords of Xilb’alb’a. They were the main lords in charge of the rest, they would give different jobs and duties to the rest of the lords.


The Maya underworld. It is where the hero twins (Junajpu and Xb’alamke) of the Popol Wuj (sacred book of the Maya K’iche’ people) went to overcome the trials of Xib’alb’a.
The trials of Xib’alb’a can be a metaphor for the trials of our life, and these are the trials that trigger the parts of us that don’t serve our purpose so we can face them, become conscious of them, and let go.