Cacao Tour in Guatemala: more than a retreat, it's a sacred journey to the heart of cacao

Cacao Tour in Guatemala: more than a retreat, it's a sacred journey to the heart of cacao

Craft your own ceremonial cacao from bean to cup using your hands. Experience the vibrancy of the vivid Mayan culture and inhale the healing aroma of cacao, the jungle, and copal. Allow the magic of this land and its people to heal your soul.

We are very excited to offer you the opportunity to discover the roots of ceremonial cacao in Guatemala, where our Fifth Element Original Cacao is handcrafted. Our first-ever Cacao Tour will take place from April 22nd to 29th, 2024. Secure your spot here

The energy of Guatemala's Mystical Landscapes


Close your eyes and envision yourself seated in a sacred circle, holding a cup filled with the rich warmth of cacao, as the mystical energy of Guatemala's jungle supports your spiritual journey…

Our cacao tour will start in the heart of Antigua. This vibrant city, surrounded by majestic volcanoes, sets the stage for the start of a transformative adventure. As we embark on a journey to Alta Verapaz, be prepared to be captivated by the breathtaking nature, the charm of indigenous towns, and the significance of the quetzal bird's sacred habitat. We will then arrive in beautiful Lanquin, where you will stay immersed in the jungle and where you will learn more about the wisdom of cacao directly from incredibly knowledgeable Maya farmers, producers, spiritual leaders and teachers. You will also be able to enjoy the turquoise pools of Semuc Champey. Imagine the refreshing sensation as you dip into these natural wonders. 

The Ancient Secrets of Maya Farming

Meet Hector, a traditional Mayan farmer, as he becomes your guide into the world of Mayan agriculture. Step onto an ancient cacao farm and witness the wisdom woven into its history. Beyond the surface, understand the historical significance of the region, connecting the threads of the past to the sacredness of your present journey.

Meet Elsa, a Maya Q'eqchi' woman, and join her in an immersive cacao production workshop. 

Craft your cup of cacao from bean to cup, and understand the wisdom woven into this process. 

A Unique and Transformative Experience

In the heart of the jungle, experience a profound Mayan ceremony (Kotzij'). Allow the energies to cleanse your spirit as you connect with the mystical aspects of Mayan traditions. 

Discover the secrets of copal production with Mayan women. Learn about the ancient resin/incense used in Mayan spiritual practices. As the day unfolds, relax and enjoy a traditional Mayan folkloric dance, known as the Deer Dance, celebrating life and culture.

In the embrace of Guatemala's landscapes and ancient traditions, the Cacao Tour in Lanquin promises a unique and transformative experience. From the sacred circle to the heart of cacao farming, every moment is an opportunity to reconnect with nature and immerse yourself in the Mayan culture.

Ready to be a part of this extraordinary adventure? Spaces are limited, and this is your chance to embark on a sacred journey like no other. Don't miss out on the Cacao Tour in Lanquin, Guatemala, from April 22nd to 29th. Book your spot now and immerse yourself in the magic of Guatemala's ancient traditions. 

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